Governance and Risk Management
An integral part of an effective Finance Operating Model is having an appropriate, robust and well maintained Governance and Risk Management Framework in place.
We support our clients in designing and implementing strong governance and a coherent strategy that enables effective management of all relevant and appropriate financial risks.

Having effective and appropriate financial governance in place is integral to having and maintaining management of a business' financial activities. Financial governance provides overarching structure and principles for businesses to manage their financials and associated risks effectively whilst adhering to all relevant reporting and compliance obligations.
We partner with clients to establish a suitable governance framework and strike a right balance with maintaining effective oversight and a forum for decision making, without creating administrative burden and red tape.

Risk Taxonomy
Financial management is thwart with inherent risks that potentially hinder or prevent businesses from achieving their financial goals.
Our experts in risk management help to identify and catalogue the risks relevant to your business and work with you to design a risk and control framework that also sets out the key controls in managing those risks within set approved limits.

Financial Controls
A key aspect of an effective risk management framework is having controls in place that help businesses to reduce their inherent risks down to a residual level and within set limits.
We help clients to assess and test whether current controls are adequate and/or working as they should and identify ways in which they can be improved in order to strengthen the internal control environment.