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Finance Strategy

Working with our clients to develop an effective and cost efficient finance operating model framework which underpins and creates long term financial performance and sustainability.


Unique to us is our holistic coached approach to designing and developing sustainable fully integrated systems, processes and controls.


Taking time to understand what the impacts will be and what opportunities the process will bring, is key in developing a coherent and cohesive plan, to increase organisational value and improved financial performance.  Before creating an aspirational but achievable pathway to include people, places and all that happens, by thinking outside the box together with using the tried and tested.


A fully defined, developed and aligned financial strategy and operating model:

  • enables the business to be served effectively

  • drives the finance function to meet its overall vision and strategic objectives

  • creates clear lines of accountability and governance

  • pushes the finance function towards a more value add and appropriate cost base.


Conference Room

Vision, Purpose & Objectives

The place to begin...

 "You cannot manage what you do not measure."

Your financial performance is your baseline.  Identifying this performance accurately at the outset is fundamental in identifying areas for improvement and untapped value. 

A solid data collection plan and good data will achieve this and whilst it might feel daunting knowing where to begin at first, once you have the templates you will be in control of your destiny, in relation to improving financial performance.

By having a vision, purpose and end state, clearly defined and aligned to the organisations strategic objectives you begin to develop your unique processes.









Conference Room

Strategy & Policy Development

Working with our clients, we ensure: 

  • strategies and policies are appropriately defined to deliver the vision for finance through established design principles

  • the operating model architecture and its high level components are in place to deliver the finance strategy and define how finance will operate

  • the design of the components underpinning the architecture are detailed with supporting actions on how to transform how finance will deliver value for an organisation.

Finally we ensure the business case for change is clearly articulated through an economic model of value, cost, capacity and risk.



Financial Consultation

Finance Operating Models

We work with you to help assess the current state of your financial performance and supporting operating model.  We help identify opportunites, operational efficiencies, improve financial insight and management of risks and align the operating model to the organisations strategic business objectives.  

We consider whether:

  • processes are optimal and cost efficent

  • there is clear line of sight and management of financial risks

  • technology could drive process optimisation

  • there are existing knowledge and skills gaps and correct systems in place to attract, nuture and retain talent

  • data is appropriately defined and structured to improve the quality of financial reporting and insight

  • the right performance indicators are in place to demonstrate the value Finance delivers.

Business Meeting
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